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Ethnographic Documentary Film Screening and Discussion

Written by Roobaroo Team

An India, knowledge, values and wisdom have been transferred orally from one generation to the other using folk songs, tales, legends and myths. Even the Vedas, the most ancient of Indian literary texts, existed for many centuries in the oral form before being written down! In modern times, some of these traditions have become rare and are slowly fading away. Espirito Kashi is a team of ethnographers and sociologists who create experimental films aimed at giving a new life to India’s folklore. We were introduced to them by a common friend, and with a shared love for Indian culture, we hit it off right from the first interaction itself. We screened 2 of their films at our Cultural Centre, Roobaroo House. And post the screening, the floor was opened for questions with the Espirito Kashi team. What ensued was a healthy discussion on diverse topics – from the relevance of folk lore in today’s society to reasons for its decreasing popularity, ways for its revival to the process of film making, ethnographic studies and even ideas for plausible new films 🙂 Here are the 2 films that were screened –

https://youtu.be/fbpoUC71iMM https://youtu.be/OViZAw4PfB4

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